Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Lösche

The Cosmic Tarot, with its fascinating, intricate images, reflects all that the tarot has been, and all that it can be. Its symbolism ranges freely through time, from ancient Egypt to present-day Europe. We can identify with the human figures, whether they are in the costume of the pharaohs or in modern business suits. Noble or abject, wise or enchained in folly, freespirited or snared in materialism and decadence, the people on the deck show us ourselves in the midst of life. Both the familiarity and the mystery of the f igures draw us in, into ourselves, into pondering the questions that recur over and over in our lives.
Jean Huets, from The Cosmic Tarot book

The Cosmic Tarot book, by Jean Huets
“Overall this is one of the better books I have seen of this type. The author is obviously well versed on the subject of Tarot and has skillfully applied her knowledge to this deck. Highly recommended.” – Michele Jackson, Aeclectic Tarot
The Cosmic Tarot book is an inspiring interpretation of the tarot, and an ideal companion to the Cosmic Tarot deck by visionary artist Norbert Lösche.
Learn how each Major Arcana card has its place in The Cosmos, The Human Community, and The Individual.
The Minor Arcana cards unfold personal quests, hopes and fears, and loves, with special attention to relationships.